What We Do

With help of our experienced social work staff, Family HomeStead helps homeless families with children achieve the following three objectives:

  • Move to next step housing
  • Have income to support next step housing
  • Effectively address the underlying causes that led to their homelessness as identified in their case plan

Learn more about our organization’s mission, vision and values

Emergency Housing

Emergency housing is available for all homeless families with children. The emergency housing services include intensive case management support and independent unit housing for 30-90 days.

Social work staff support families to secure an income stream, enroll their children in school, families in health services and stabilize their lives while moving into next step housing.

Transitional Housing

Our six-month transitional housing program gives priority to client families leaving our Emergency Housing program, safehouses and shelters.

Client families in our transitional housing program are generally more stable than the families in Emergency Housing. They have an income stream and are able to pay a minimal amount of rent.

Our social work staff work with client families over six months to ensure they will have income sufficient to support next step housing and work on education about healthy landlord/tenant relationships. Client families work on repairing credit and terminating involvement with the court system.

Our goal at Family HomeStead is to ensure each family is able to move through their specific crisis of homelessness and return to a level of functioning that is optimal for them.

Supportive Social Services

With the help of our experienced social work staff families focus on the following objectives:

  • Move to next-step housing;
  • Have income to support next-step housing; and
  • Address the issues that caused their homelessness as identified in their case plan.

All of the children in our program must be enrolled in school, must be receiving healthcare and parents must be actively involved in their child/ren’s well-being. We support parents to reduce the risk factors associated with childhood homelessness through helping parents secure income, attend child development and nutrition classes, connect with early childhood and learning readiness programs and help parents apply for subsidized child care, essential for their ability to secure and maintain work.

Strengthening parents is strengthening children, which is why Family HomeStead also supports parents in addressing the other issues directly related to their specific crisis of homelessness. Our social work staff ensures families are connected to community resources for physical and mental health care, supplemental food, employment services, adult education and other basic needs. We partner closely with other community based organizations that provide classes on budgeting and credit management, job readiness, landlord/tenant rights and responsibilities and domestic violence, when necessary.

As an incentive for the client families, we provide a grant of one month’s rent (paid directly to their next landlord) for all families who successfully complete our program.

We believe that a family’s own internal strengths and resources are the primary determinants of their success in our program.